



International Journal of Epidemiology

Inverse probability weighting for self-selection bias correction in the investigation of social inequality in mortality



Assessment of unmeasured confounding in the association between perceived discrimination and mental health in a predominantly African American cohort using g-estimation

g-estimationやったとにα1でmeasuredとunmeasured confoundingを比較。


Effect modification by statin use status on the association between fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and cardiovascular mortality 

Additive and multiplicative interactions両方だしてる。スタチンを使ってない人の方がPM2.5の悪い影響を受けやすいというcounterintuitiveな結果。


European Journal of Epidemiology

Incidence and prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease in China: a systematic review and meta-analysis



Life-course social participation and physical activity in midlife: longitudinal associations in the 1970 British Cohort Study (BCS70)

Social participationを続けることがphysical activityにつながることを示したライフコース時系列データ研究。イチローカワチ先生がラストオーサー。


American Journal of Epidemiology

My Parent, Myself, or My Child: Whose Education Matters Most for Trajectories of Cognitive Aging in Middle Age? 



Prediction of suicide attempts among persons with depression: a population-based case cohort study



The application of target trials with longitudinal targeted maximum likelihood estimation to assess the effect of alcohol consumption in adolescence on depressive symptoms in adulthood



Machine learning for detection of heterogeneous effects of Medicaid coverage on depression 

メディケイドがうつに与える因果効果をcausal forest。日本発でEditor’s choiceに選ばれた論文。


Handling missing data when estimating causal effects with targeted maximum likelihood estimation 

欠損の処理はinteractionを考慮したparametric multiple imputationが良いよと。単純なシナリオならPMMでも良いけど、複雑だとバイアス大きくなりがち。とはいえinteractionまで考慮して欠損予測する状況ってどういう状況?という疑問はある。理論上これが良い、という点については納得。


Antipsychotic drugs in first-episode psychosis: a target trial emulation in the FEP-CAUSAL Collaboration
